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Moscow, Russia



Igor Taranov






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The Russian Constitutional Court absolved Moscow from abiding by the 2014 (ECHR) ruling on Russia's $2-billion liability to the shareholders of Yukos
On 19 January 2017 Russian Constitutional Court considered it impossible to fulfill the decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) from July 31 2014, as it “contradicts the Constitution of the Russian Federation”: in other words, the court allowed the Russian authorities not to pay €1.9 billion to…
January 26, 2017
A new law gives Arbitrazh (commercial) courts In Russia the right to refuse cases
On 19.12.2016, Federal Law №. 453-F3, “Federal Law on amendments to the Arbitrazh Procedure Code of the Russia Federation” was signed by the President Putin. Among reasons arbitrazh courts can refuse to try cases is lack of jurisdiction, if the case has already been tried and awarded, or if the…
January 20, 2017
Formation and operation of arbitration tribunals in Russia in 2016
Permanent arbitration institutions. One of the most significant changes of Arbitration Law aimed to prevent creation of “pocket arbitrations” is mandatory licensing of permanent arbitration institutions in order to operate at the territory of Russia (not applied for two well-known arbitral institutions in Russia-International Commercial Arbitration Court and Maritime Arbitration…
December 23, 2016
V ICC Lex Mercatoria (English Chapter)
This November I participated as an arbitrator in the ICC Lex Mercatoria International Moot Competition. The teams were to resolve the mock case prepared by the International Court of Arbitration on the basis of the Rules of Arbitration of the ICC. The venue of ICC Lex Mercatoria was kindly provided…
November 28, 2016
The 6th Willem C. Vis Moscow Pre-moot
On 14 and 15 March 2015 I participated as an arbitrator at the 6th Willem C. Vis Moscow Pre-moot which was hosted by the Lomonosov Moscow State University. This year’s moot case involved the issues of jurisdiction over a non-signatory to an arbitration agreement and emergency arbitration (the proceedings were…
March 18, 2015

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© Igor Taranov - professional arbitrator and mediator